Monday, October 25, 2010

Happy Birthday US Navy!

Navy Ball ~ 2010
 On Friday, October 13, 1775 ~ the United States Navy was born as the Continental Congress ordered the construction of a naval fleet - if you can call "two sailing vessels armed with ten carriage guns and swivel guns" a fleet! The two ships were manned by crews of eighty and were sent out for three months at a time to intercept transports carrying munitions and stores to the British Army in America.

This was the original legislation, out of which the Continental Navy grew and as such constitutes the birth certificate of the United States Navy.

"Over the course of The War of Independence, The Continental Navy sent to sea more than fifty armed vessels of various types." The Continental Navy began the proud tradition carried on today by our  United States Navy, and whose birthday we celebrate each year in October."

This past Saturday night, we, CDR & Mrs. Philip J. Pelikan, attended the 235th Navy Ball in Naples, Italy!  And rather than trying to manage taking a nice picture when we got there, we took this picture at the house just before we left (in our repaired car - by the way - ['all dressed up and somewhere to go'] navigating the narrow road just fine).
We had a great time! Papa was honored to give the Invocation during the ceremonial portion of the evening. In attendance were six Admirals, one General, a plethora of senior officers and distinguished guests - including the US Consul General and over 360 in attendance (mostly US Navy). We enjoyed meeting quite a few new people and even some that we've known in the past. The food was delicious, the band was exceptional, and the venue a complete success!

Ciao, Bella!  Mimi

1 comment:

  1. How fun, fun, fun! I'm glad that you actually made it to this one---did they do a bit of 'Hailing' to make up for the missed one?

    The new hair is looking very cute, and I have to say that pewter enhances purple very nicely!

