Monday, November 8, 2010

Birthday, Balloons & the Blues

Tomorrow is my birthday -  for the first time in Italy. But I was just thinking how it was 35 years ago - tomorrow - that I was "in" the hospital with false hopes, as it turned out, awaiting active labor and the birth of our second son - already a few weeks overdue! They sent me home, however! "It won't be long now." they said. 4 days later, our second son finally made his entrance into the world!

We've had, and will have, a number of birthday celebrations during these fall and winter months. Funny, I thought I'd be okay [sort of] with all of it. But it's really hitting me now, and not really turning out that way. As I see pictures and read the posts and emails about all the festivities, it tugs at my heartstrings more than I realized it would.

75 . . . 55 . . . 35 . . . 5 . . . and these are just the birthdays ending in the number 5 this fall/winter! Super-special years, and aching to be there celebrating the day these specal people in my family were born! And there are others!

What's to be done . . .

Papa and I watched Walt Disney's, Pollyanna, the other night, to see if would help cheer us up - definitely one of my all-time favorite movies! In that movie, Pollyanna, played by Haley Mills, is a cheerful young orphan girl who goes to live with her aunt Polly, in a small town after the tragic death of her missionary parents. She is somehow able to bring the love of life to all the people in the town though a view of life she learned from her father. He taught to her through a game called, "The Glad Game" and by the time she must leave them through a tragedy of her own, she has transformed the community with her incredible will to see the good side of even the worst situations and brings about the betterment of all those around her.

I came across a simple version of "The Glad Game" and thought it might be enjoyable this Holiday Season:

"The Glad Game"

Inspired by the classic, Pollyanna, by Eleanor H. Porter.

Simple Solution

"The very name “Pollyanna” has come to mean someone who is eternally upbeat and optimistic, who spreads positivity and good will wherever she goes. Before you decide that such unremittingly cheerful behavior is truly nauseating and deserves a good smack, think of this: people who take time every day to count their blessings are truly happier (and live longer) than those who don’t.

So spread a little good cheer in the New Year with this great game that helps you to focus on the glad, not the bad. Your heart--and everyone who knows you--will be grateful. It only takes a minute.

You can play this game when you’re driving in your car, or taking a walk, or sitting at your computer--pretty much under any circumstances.

Start small: just think of ONE THING that you’re glad for. Maybe it’s the taste of the special coffee that Aunt Ruth from Winnetka sent you for Christmas. Maybe it’s the fact that the holidays are over. Perhaps you have a new love in your life, or an interesting new project to work on. Or you could be glad for your family, or your dog or cat. Really think about whatever it is for a moment. Allow yourself to smile over it. Feel your heart open and glow with gratitude for whatever it is.

That’s it. But tomorrow, try thinking of two things you’re really, truly glad for. Expand the field of your gratitude every day. Really take time to appreciate the many many blessings you enjoy. You’re alive: you have the capacity to be a beneficial and positive presence on the planet. You are needed--or you wouldn’t be here. Enjoy this life that you have been given! And be glad."

I'm already feeling "glad"!

"Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." 

~ 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

[the real "Glad Game"]


  1. Tamera,
    Hello and Happy Birthday!
    We miss you folks. I'm sure you know we finally had our first Devine Liturgy in the new Nave. It is beautiful! Will be posting pictures on the church website soon. Love your hair style. Looks great! Glad to read that you enjoyed the ball. Will write more later.


  2. Ruth!
    Oh, we miss you too! Thank you so much for writing and wishing me Happy Birthday today It's great to hear from you.
    Can't wait to see the pictures!

    Much love!

