Monday, January 14, 2008

The Newly Ordained Deacon Philip - Axios!

This particular blog is to share with you that this past Sunday, January 13th, was a very significant day in our lives. Philip became Deacon Philip of the Antiochian Orthodox Church in Virginia. He will be ordained to the Priesthood on the 27th of this month ... this was the most significant step toward the completion of that dream.

Our own Father Nicholas and Philip wait for the festivities to begin.

Deacon (soon-to-be Father) Philip knelt before the Bishop at the beginning of the Divine Liturgy, Philip knelt before the Bishop and had hands laid upon him to be made a subdeacon. His first duty was to wash the Bishop's hands and have the towel of service placed upon his head which the Bishop had just used to dry his own hands.
He was then instructed to stand before the icon of Christ to pray and contemplate his future life of servitude.

Holding the glass picture and bowl filled with water, the towel still on his head, he remained motionless for an hour while the extended Liturgy went on and on ... the only break he received was during The Great Entrance (the procession with the communion elements) where he was able to follow at the end of the procession with the pitcher, bowl and towel ... only to return to his place, now before the icon of the Theotokos (Mary) where he continued his motionless stance for what he says "felt like another hour."

This is a rare picture of Philip before the icon and a behind the screen look at the Sanctuary (the area behind the icon screen) ... preparing for the Liturgy.

Soon after the two sponsors and the Bishop's Assistant go out the north door. The assistant takes the bowl from Philip (the candidate) and his sponsors lead him to the solea (the little area just in front of the center doors).
Then the command: "Holy Master, bless him who is before thee."

The new Deacon kisses the Bishop's right hand and omophorion (the Bishop's stole), turns and stands facing the people next to the Bishop in the Holy Doors. The Bishop takes each piece of the new Deacon's vestments, blesses it and shouts to the people:

Bishop: HE IS WORTHY (Axios in Greek)


The Divine Liturgy continues and the new Deacon serves the remainder of the service as the first Deacon!

Afterward, the people of St Basil's Antiochian Orthodox church had fellowship lunch for us. The night before, Fr. Greggory hosted a banquet to celebrate his own elevation to Archpriest and Philip's ordination to the Deaconate. Many honored guests were present, including Bishop Thomas and clergy from other Orthodox churches and different denomintations up and down the Eastern Seaboard.

Here we are with Bishop Thomas.

Read more from the new Deacon:

1 comment:

  1. How Great!!
    Congrats to Your wonderful hubby!
