Tuesday, November 20, 2007

And Then There Were Three ...

Just a little update on the grandkids:

As I sit here in my favorite corner of my sofa, I'm thinking about the incredible blessing of having three grandchildren now that Elijah Martin is here. Thank you Lord for these precious lives:

Karis Lei(3 and a half) is growing like a weed, learning to put letters together to make words, and very excited about her sweet little life.

Misha Rose (2 years) has a little brother now, loves being home with Mommy and Brother, and enjoys telling everyone about her world every minute.

Elihjah Martin is 19 days old today and actually gained one whole pound in a week and a half - wow! He's very healthy and happy in his new world too!

1 comment:

  1. How sweet your little Angels are! I hope all is well with you.
