Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Wave of Joy

Only 6 days left until Christmas - wow! Where has the time gone?

Christmas is a beautiful time of year in Japan! I am continually amazed by the gorgeous Christmas lights everywhere, and the signs that read 'Joyful Christmas.' Favorite Christmas songs are piped through the stores, and Christmas cakes are displayed in bakery windows. In Japan, Christmas is known more as a time to spread happiness rather than a religious celebration. It's Japanese New Year (called 'o shogatsu') that is more like our traditional Western Christmas. New Year is the period where families get together, have a special meal, pray and send greetings cards. New Year is celebrated over five days from December 31st to January 4th and is a very busy time.

A very dear Japanese friend wrote to me today proclaiming her understanding of our busy schedule as we tried to plan our annual get-together with them. She proclaimed that "we are [all] in a wave of joy and busy at this time," and this phrase "wave of joy" has been ringing in my ears ever since she wrote it. It made/makes me happy!

Even though it's a busy time, remember the wave of joy that is Christmas!

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