Friday, March 31, 2006

Today is another day in the healing of my broken foot saga. It seems a never-ending recovery process, and I just want it to be all better - NOW! I take my time up and down the stairs, but I'm hopelessly impatient. I generally find it impolite to go on at too great a length about one's own aches and pains but I feel as though I need to document this publicly as part of documenting my life (I think).
Here is where the break is:
Looking at the picture you'll see the very tip of the 5th medatarsal bone (toward the middle of the foot) just where it meets the cuboid bone; this is where the break is. It is tecnically a toe-bone, and I broke a piece of it off, as well as cracking it somewhat. I rolled my entire foot, so all the toes were black and blue, and are only now starting to feel somewhat normal.
I must say, however, that it is wonderful to have my husband home! A few weeks of crutches, a two-story house, and trying to take care of myself, was no small feat! I did it though, with the help of a few friends and the love of my wonderful dog, Sherman. He was, and is, my constant companion.

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