Hello Everyone,
Well . . . John is finally home! And the car surprise was such a success too! I do feel like I took a deep breath about two weeks ago, however, (as is evident by my lack of blog entries) and then jumped into the deep end only to come up for air for the first time just yesterday! But in a really good way - Wow! We had such a wonderful time welcoming Johnny home with family and dear friends here. The only thing that would have made it more perfect is if you all could have been here with us!
I have so much to share with you that it's going to take days and days - maybe weeks. Here are a few pictures and links to get you started:
We all met John's plane at the base, and of course Elina captured it in her beautiful way. Click here to see a slide show of the homecoming: http://www.pelikanportraits.com/
Then the big "Car Surprise"! What a success! Thanks to all of you we did meet our goal and finished the car for John! He was flabbergasted, to say the least!
Waiting . . .
When he came to what he thought was just a family breakfast at his grandma and grandpa's, and walked out the back door to see what everyone was doing, he said things like, "No way!" and "Holy cow!" and "What the heck?" . . . it was great!!!
(((hugs))) and blessings,